Welcome to the Calvin Center for Faith & Writing.

Capitalizing on the rich heritage of its flagship event, the long-running, biennial Festival of Faith & Writing, the Center champions faithful and intelligent conversation about the intersections of religious belief and literature, both broadly defined.


Join us for a free event!


Becoming the Pastor's Wife: An Evening with Beth Allison Barr

Thursday, March 20, 2025, 7:00pm, Calvin University Chapel


Join us for an evening with Beth Allison Barr, author of the forthcoming book Becoming the Pastor’s Wife: How Marriage Replaced Ordination as a Woman's Path to Ministry.

Barr will present a talk based on her book and participate in a short Q&A, followed by a book signing.

Beth Allison Barr is the James Vardaman Professor of History at Baylor University and is the bestselling author of The Making of Biblical Womanhood: How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth. In Becoming the Pastor's Wife, Barr examines the connection between the decline of female ordination and the rise of the role of pastor's wife in the evangelical church, tracing its patterns in the larger history (ancient, medieval, Reformation, and modern) of Christian women's leadership. By expertly blending historical and personal narrative, she equips pastors' wives to better advocate for themselves while helping the church understand the origins of the role as well as the historical reality of ordained women.

This event is free to attend, however, it helps us in planning to receive your RSVP.

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This event is hosted by the Calvin Center for Faith & Writing in partnership with Brazos Press.



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